Winners Announced: Think Global People Awards 2022

Winner of the 2022 Think Global People for Destination Service Provider of the Year: Global

Award winner: Perch Peek

Winner: PerchPeek

Highly commended: IKAN Relocation Services India

awards supplement fc
Click on the cover to access the digital edition or read the full article from our awards supplement here

This award recognizes quality and professionalism in the provision of destination services that are operated by service suppliers that focus on a specific country or at local level, regionally or globally.

The judges said, “Their technological solution is an innovative tool that will benefit organisations trying to source talent globally and move staff who traditionally would not qualify for full relocation packages. Clearly a very practical methodology of searching for accommodation during the difficult times of the pandemic. It is a cost efficient and effective solution for home search worldwide.”

The award was presented by Gina Lodge, CEO of AoEC – the Academy of Executive Coaching.

Read the full article from our Awards Supplement here

Watch the Awards Cermony highlights here

Visit the PerchPeek website