Le Sallay Academy

Le Sallay Academy is an international private school for children aged 10 to 14 that employs a blended learning education model, combining in-person sessions and periods of online instruction. It is part of the Le Sallay educational family, along with Le Sallay Discovery (USA).

The approach to learning is based on developing critically important skills, such as understanding of conceptual relationships, creative problem-solving, and critical thinking, and in the blended learning model, synchronous distance learning and in-person sessions complement each other creating a unique learning experience for the student. Every student has an individual learning plan that takes into account their education goals. 

Le Sallay offers an inclusive environment for students with diverse learning needs, including academically gifted and twice-exceptional learners, who will benefit from the differentiated study plans and the support of certified educators and psychologists.  



The school year is divided into trimesters, each one of them offering an online and an on-site component. In a typical trimester, the students will first travel to France for three weeks of classroom learning and socializing, and then study from home for eight weeks. 

The face-to-face sessions are held at the Chateau Le Sallay in Burgundy, France.  They combine classes with games and activities focusing on improving socialization, interpersonal communication, and emotional self-regulation

In-person sessions include

  • 5-8 lessons a day in mini-groups
  • sports and outdoor activities
  • presentations by visiting scholars and professionals from different fields, including scientists, writers, artists, journalists, and media experts.

The integral part of the on-site session is the program of non-academic activities developed by our counselors who have extensive experience in working with children of different ages. They create an atmosphere of fun and learning that helps children to build relationships and friendships that support their learning outcomes and help them stay engaged and motivated.


The distance learning bit lasts eight weeks, and each day a student will have 5-6 highly interactive classes in small groups of 3-6 students.  Online classes are held in modern virtual classrooms (Zoom, Whereby) where teachers can see students and monitor their activity. Students use a variety of digital tools to work in class, complete their homework, and develop projects. Online school clubs (e.g. role-playing, math, arts) meet outside of scheduled instructional hours during online sessions.

At the end of each trimester, we present parents with a detailed progress report, including:

  • a review of the progress made in meeting learning goals and developing skills;
  • academic successes and challenges;
  • overall grade in each subject.


We help our students to prepare for any state-mandated or international tests that they plan to take at the end of the year or when leaving middle school. The graduates of 2021 have successfully entered high schools of their choice in Great Britain and the US.

We are dedicated to providing as many educational opportunities as possible.  60% of our students receive grants and scholarshipsIn the academic year 2023-2024, Le Sallay Academy offers its students two partial tuition scholarships:

  • a Globe Trotters Scholarship for frequently relocating families, and
  • a New Emigrant Scholarship for families that left Russia due to the war in Ukraine.

Eligible students may apply for a 2023-2024 Scholarship, but in exceptional cases, we can consider students joining the Academy in the middle of the school year.

We also provide a full-tuition scholarship for students from Ukraine but are not currently accepting applications because all the available places have been filled. You can fill out a registration form and we will notify you once places become available. 

Learn more about Le Sallay curriculum: 

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Château Le Sallay Lieu dit le Sallay, D149, 58470 Saincaize-Meauce France

E: Contact by email