Orwell Park School

An academically challenging and fulfilling all-round education  

“The school is extremely successful in fulfilling its aims of providing an academically challenging and fulfilling all-round education, and strong pastoral care where all pupils are able to benefit from a vibrant boarding experience.”  – ISI Inspection.

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The school is delighted that the recent Independent Schools Inspectorate inspection of Orwell Park has endorsed its claim that it provides an excellent all-round education for its pupils. The report indicated that the high standards which had been identified in the last inspection in 2009 had been sustained and built upon, and that “Pupils across the school are very well educated in accordance with the school’s aim of providing an academically challenging, stimulating and fulfilling all-round education which motivates and supports pupils to develop independence and a love of learning.”

The Early Years provision in the Pre-Prep has been judged to be “outstanding” in all areas: “This outstanding early years provision gives all children secure and firm foundations for their personal development and later learning.”  All the parents of pupils in the Pre-Prep had stated in pre-inspection questionnaires that their children loved coming to school.

Pupils in the Prep School are described as being “...motivated, confident, articulate, caring and able to empathise with those less fortunate than themselves from a range of cultures.” The report also highlighted that “Pupils’ behavior, their attitude to learning and their achievements, including those of the children in the EYFS, are excellent.”  Pupils are identified as being well prepared for the next stage of their education and the report comments on how not only do pupils consistently gain their first choice place in competitive entry to senior schools, but that also a considerable number are awarded scholarships. Indeed, in 2016 alone 29 scholarships have been awarded.

Set in more than 100 acres of parkland overlooking the River Orwell in Suffolk, Orwell Park provides a broad and balanced education for boys and girls, boarders and day pupils, between the ages of 2 ½ and 13. A modern, caring and flexible approach to boarding sets Orwell Park apart as a forward-thinking school, which continues to instil traditional values such as commitment, compassion and courtesy in its pupils. 

At Orwell Park boys and girls have the opportunity to savour a unique childhood whilst developing the ability to think independently, to embrace new challenges and to meet them with a combination of courtesy and quiet confidence.

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Orwell Park School




IP10 0ER

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