SQA: Scottish education exam results 2018
Scottish exam results are in - and more than 2/3rds of indepdent school pupils sitting exams achieved a Higher grade A in foreign languages, including Mandarin. How did Scottish students fare in the other exams?

Fettes College
Thousands of Scottish pupils find out their SQA exam results
Although the number of entries for Highers and the proportion of students who received a pass mark has fallen slightly, data from the Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS) reveals that 68% of pupils studying foreign languages have achieved a Higher grade A.The data, collected from SCIS’s 74 member schools, shows that 72% of students achieved a Higher grade A in Mandarin, while 72% of those studying German, 69% of those studying French and 63% studying Spanish also achieved an A.Scotland’s independent schools saw an improvement on 2017 results across the board, achieving 96% of National 5, 95% of Higher and 93% of Advanced Higher A-C passes across all subjects.Commenting on the results, John Edward, Director of SCIS, said: “Congratulations to all students receiving their SQA results today. I am thrilled to see Scotland’s independent schools achieve such outstanding results that have topped last year’s yet again.“It is particularly encouraging to see so many pupils flourish in languages. Languages provide young people with enhanced communication and adaptability skills, a deeper cultural awareness, as well as opening up a world of job opportunities which means that providing children with the opportunity to learn a new language from a younger age is paramount.”
Learn more about Qualifications and education in Scotland
Other Higher results for students across Scotland’s independent schools include:
- 56% achieved a grade A in English; 95% achieved an A-C pass
- 61% achieved a grade A in Maths; 93% achieved an A-C pass
- 52% achieved a grade A in Physics; 92% achieved an A-C pass
- 56% achieved a grade A in Chemistry; 93% achieved an A-C pass
- 56% achieved a grade A in Biology; 93% achieved an A-C pass
The Scottish Council of Independent Schools (SCIS) is an educational charity representing over 70-member schools, which educate more than 30,000 children of mixed abilities and diverse backgrounds across Scotland.
Read more about Scottish exam results on Twitter.
The free SDS helpline, on 0808 100 8000, is available for anyone seeking practical advice. It will be open from 08:00 until 20:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is open from 08:00 until 20:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Skills Development Scotland line will then be open from 09:00 until 17:00 from 9 to 15 August.For more information about this year's Scottish school exam results, you can also visit www.scis.org.uk.
To find out more about Scottish international schools, visit the free digital version of our Relocate UK Education & Schools Guide 2018.

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