International Assignments

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Multinational companies frequently need to send their employees on an international assignment to work in an overseas location or regional office, whether to complete a project or as part of their professional development. As businesses compete for global growth, the number of international assignments is on the rise. Read more


Whether they are long-term, short-term, commuter or project assignments, each type brings its own challenges for global mobility managers, and risks for the company and the assignee. Localisation, repatriation and business travel can also fall under the umbrella of international assignment services.

In many organisations HR managers are responsible for managing international assignments. Even if the number of international assignees is small, this is a complex area. Only a few multinationals have HR global mobility specialists. It is therefore essential for HR managers to have the knowledge to ensure that their companies are fully compliant in managing international relocation and the raft of international assignment services – such as immigration, expatriate tax and benefits, social security obligations, and international pensions – that underpin overseas operations.

This section provides practical advice and information for HR and global managers managing international teams or setting up in a new overseas dominion. It covers the latest trends in relocation policy and expatriate benefits, and points you in the direction of experts across the global mobility industry. It includes the latest news, features, how-to guides, and tools and resources to support overseas assignments and inbound relocation moves and domestic relocations.

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Latest International Assignments News

Latest International Assignments Features


One pound coin on fluctuating graph. Rate of the pound sterling

UK 'most expensive' for employing expat staff

For the second year running, the UK has been ranked as the most expensive country in the world for companies to relocate staff, according to an annual survey from global mobility consultancy ECA International.
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Expats still paying most in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has topped the ratings for the second year in a row as the most expensive city for expats to live in, according to the 2022 survey from ECA International.
trade deal

UK eyes pacific trade deal this year

International Trade Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan believes the UK's application to join the 11-nation CPTPP trade bloc (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) could be approved before the end of this year.



Staying safe from immigration scammers

Immigration compliance is a significant risk area for businesses and individuals making cross-border moves. David Sapsted reports on the latest visa scams, what governments are doing to combat them and the issues employers need to be aware of.



The Next Normal: the business case for better mobility

The ‘New Normal’ is a chance to hone the ever-growing portfolio of mobility options and double down on strategic intent. Which practices and approaches offer the best return on investment – including upskilling mobility expertise? Ruth Holmes reports.



Mini Factsheets

Introducing our new Mini Factsheet series, designed to help you incorporate global mobility into managing and supporting international teams and grow your people and organisation in new locations.
Work Environment

Socialising with those in emotionally demanding jobs will make yours more emotionally demanding too

Socialising with people in work who have emotionally demanding jobs is highly likely to make your job also emotionally demanding through association, according to new research from Durham University Business School.
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Global Mobility Refined

Grasping the Opportunities that the Shift from “Before COVID” (BC) to “After Despair” (AD) can bring.
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