Global Mobility

Global Leadership

Global Education



International schools are an invaluable source of recruitment for universities

A new white paper from ISC Research explores the emerging focus on holistic development and skills-based learning in international education. University admissions processes remain highly competitive, with international school students being well placed to succeed due to their rigorous academic qualification and broad extracurricular experiences.

Future-Ready Forum reveals top skills students need to thrive in the future

The Schools Index 2024 Launched

A woman’s promotion is seen as ‘less fair’ if a company commits to gender equality


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How to teach future-readiness

Fiona Murchie caught up with futurologist Tom Cheesewright and head of school, Rob Crowther, at ACS Cobham’s Future-Ready Forum to find out why looking forward is so important and what skills we need to do this.

The case for male allyship

Learning how to think about the future and the skills business and students need

Rethinking DEI? Women, equity and work

Think Global People Magazine

Think Global People Magazine (formerly Relocate Magazine) is published March, June, September and November. It is the leading independent publication for HR, global managers and relocation professionals.

It covers the full spectrum of international relocation topics, to support those relocating, operating, or setting up operations overseas. Each issue is packed with authoritative, topical features on subjects ranging from international assignment policy and practice to removals, and from education to expat banking, plus coverage of global mobility events. Register now for your free copies.

Relocate and Think Global People Awards 2024