Raising Future-Ready Young Adults
In an increasingly interconnected world, dominated by technological disruption, we see a profound shift in the skills required by employers, especially as information is readily available at the touch of a button. Given the unprecedented rate of change, we must ensure that the education we offer meets the needs of the next generation.

As teachers we are role models to our students; an excellent teacher can be a decisive element in a young person’s life, shaping their character, and enabling their success. At Epsom, three core principles are at the heart of our provision: to Nurture, Educate and Inspire. As a boarding school, our learning community is closeknit – Our academic and pastoral staff reside on-site and interact with students daily, sharing meals, playing sport, forging strong relationships, mutual trust and respect. Happy children who feel safe and secure learn best and in 2022, 1 in 2 of our IGCSE students received 7 or more A* or A grades and 63% of A-Level students received A* or A grades, alongside entry to top universities such as Cambridge, Imperial, LSE, and Stanford.We recognise and celebrate all our learners as individuals, each with their own interests, talents and challenges to overcome. In this way we nurture our students, building their self-esteem and self-confidence.The education we provide is holistic, enabling academic achievement while developing scholarship - we seek to inspire our students to find their passion and take their learning further, as well as with their interpersonal skills. We aspire for the learners in our care to grow to be moral, principled and reflective global citizens who leave us ready to take up their place in the world and make a change for good. We are developing literate, numerate young people with a broad knowledge of the world around them but we remain ever mindful that we are preparing our students for more than just examinations, we are preparing them for life.
Today’s global landscape is increasingly competitive thus we seek to prepare our students for the global job market via internship experiences at some of Malaysia’s biggest corporations.We promote equal proficiency in English and Mandarin, the global languages spoken by more than a third of the world’s population, through an English Mandarin Immersion Programme (EMIP) for prep school students. Our bespoke EMIP curriculum is supplemented by contextually relevant teaching such as the Singapore Maths learning strategy which instils a deep understanding of the subject through concepts like the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) progression, number bonds, bar modelling, and mental maths. As students progress through the school, they achieve conversational Mandarin fluency and have the opportunity to take the HSK test, an international standardised test of Chinese language proficiency.INSTILLING VALUES AND BUILDING CONFIDENCE
Our classes are pupil-centred and interactive. We promote active discussion, debate and reflection, developing students’ independence of thought and ability to think critically, able to apply prior learning to new contexts.LIFE LESSONS THROUGH SPORT
We recognise the importance of sports as a powerful tool that instils values such as the merit of hard work, teamwork, risk-taking, sportsmanship and leadership.Our pupils are spoilt for choice when it comes to sporting endeavours on our 50-acre campus with state-ofthe-art facilities. With university applications becoming increasingly competitive, an athletic ability can be a differentiating factor in a pupil’s profile against a broad pool of applicants – Epsom provides a truly holistic education that will help set applicants apart.Our partnerships with some of the most prestigious names in sport – from Patrick Mouratoglou for tennis to La Liga for football – have enabled our students to experience a truly holistic education that blends a world-class British education and high-performance sport. Epsom students in Years 6 and 7 will participate in these sport programmes from September 2023, at no additional cost.NURTURE, EDUCATE, INSPIRE
Epsom seeks to give students a voice and offers a wealth of opportunities for students to lead and innovate. This is evident in the vast array of Academic Societies on offer where students engage with their areas of interest beyond the classroom. These include the Humanities Society, the Maths Society and the Business and Economics Society. Epsom Comfort Society has become an excellent forum for international students to come together and share their experiences of living far from home, whilst practising compassion and mindfulness towards one another. Most recently, Epsom’s Senior String Ensemble performed with FIVERA – an award-winning international pop-opera group – in front of a 200-person public audience. These enrichment activities offer opportunities to develop skills that cannot be taught – time management, leadership, resilience, negotiation and delegation as well as the importance of compassion, empathy and compromise.Although we may not know what the world of work will look like in the future, we do know that our students leave Epsom with the capability, character and confidence to pursue their passions and fulfil their purpose.Read more about Epsom College in Malaysia:Epsom College in Malaysia - Featured School pageFuture Ready Education for Future SuccessLearning, aspiring and caring – Future Readiness at Epsom College in Malaysia
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