ASAP calls on UK Government for clarification on Coronavirus, so the hospitality industry can act
ASAP and Coronavirus: the hospitality industry stands to suffer a "devastating shock to business".

ASAP: Association of Serviced Apartment Providers is the not-for-profit trade body dedicated exclusively to the serviced apartment industry. Our serviced apartment providers own and operate over 100,000 properties globally. Our membership also includes 12 serviced apartment agencies committed to supporting and growing the sector.ASAP also offers, the world’s first directory for the Serviced Apartment sector. The Serviced Apartment Provider and Agent companies listed have all met a minimum standard of ISAAP Compliance and Accreditation giving assurance to the consumer that the required standards of safety, security and duty of care have been met.
Read more about Serviced Apartments, International Assignments, or visit our Coronavirus resource page.
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