Health and security risks in expat destinations: UAE
The UAE continues to be a hotspot for businesses around the world. In this article we consider some of the risks associated with international assignment in the emirates.

Despite wider regional tensions and a large percentage of expatriates, the UAE is politically stable. Its involvement in the military campaign in Yemen has heightened concerns about international terrorism, but incidents are rare. The most recent was a fatal knife attack in Abu Dhabi (2014). Its perpetrator was sentenced to death.Related stories:
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Travel and medical risks
Historically, UAE’s relations with Iran have been strained as a result of the long-disputed ownership of islands in the Persian Gulf, where low-level incidents highlight on-going tensions. But the most serious security risk in UAE is general travel. Emirati drivers are known to be aggressive and often ignore road signs.Medical provision includes both public and private services, the latter of which are generally best, although recent Ministry of Health investment has improved public emergency care facilities. Outside of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, health services are more limited, but most of the main hospitals meet or at least approach international standards and the UAE is considered a preferred regional medical evacuation destination.Recommended vaccinations include tetanus, rabies and hepatitis.For related news and features, visit our Business Travel section. Look out for the launch of 2018's Relocate Awards, entry opens in January. Relocate’s new Global Mobility Toolkit provides free information, practical advice and support for HR, global mobility managers and global teams operating overseas.

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