College Board and Khan Academy ‘revolutionising’ student learning in US

The College Board and Khan Academy celebrate the success of their online learning platform for US students.

College Board, Khan Academy, SAT, online learning
As students in the US receive their SAT test results, the university preparation association, the College Board and online learning platform, the Khan Academy are celebrating an unparalleled online learning uptake by the nation’s students.Unlike the UK, the US does not have a national set of end of school exams such as the GCSE and A-level. As Elizabeth Sawyer of Bennett Schoolplacement Worldwide explains in Relocate Global’s Guide to International Education & Schools, “At the end of high school, US students apply to college or university with a composite of qualifications: their grades of all four years of high school averaged into a GPA (Grade Point Average), results of various optional but benchmarked [‘college-readiness’] examinations, teacher recommendations, and a transcript of personal achievements and activities.”‘College-readiness’ tests are usually administered by not-for-profit associations. The College Board administers one such ‘college-readiness’ test known as the SAT test for students, formerly known as the ‘scholastic aptitude test.’ Over the last year, the College Board has made major changes to the way it tests and encourages students to prepare for the exam.Enlisting the help of the hugely successful and free online learning platform for school-age children, the Khan Academy, the College Board has developed interactive practice tools to create a tailored online learning experience to help students prepare for the test. Going live almost exactly a year ago, the College Board and Khan Academy have seen more than 1.4 million unique users take up the ‘Official SAT practice’ program online.The program is free to use and, says the College Board, is reaching students, ”across race, ethnicities, and income levels.”But, most importantly, the results of tests issued to students by the College Board are then communicated with the Khan Academy and students receive personal study recommendations and are able to focus their attention on the areas that need the most development.“We partnered with Khan Academy to revolutionize the way students practice for the SAT. We did this by providing free, world-class preparation for everyone. Now, one year later, students are seizing that opportunity in ways that exceed our highest expectations,” said College Board President David Coleman. “For the first time, there is equality of access to SAT practice. Students from all backgrounds are empowered and are using these practice tools. In classrooms from Orange County, Florida, to Long Beach, California, educators and students across the country are working together to prepare for success on the SAT and beyond.”“Our mission at Khan Academy is a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere, and college readiness is a crucial part of that,” said Khan Academy Founder and Executive Director Sal Khan. “We partnered with the College Board because we wanted to help students achieve their goals through hard work and real learning, regardless of how much money they have. We’ve been humbled by the great reception Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy has received so far, but this is just the beginning. We’re in this for the long haul and are invested in building the world’s best SAT resources — that just happen to be free.”Official SAT Practice features four full-length practice tests written by the College Board and made available through Khan Academy. More tests will be added over time, including a fifth practice test this summer. Official SAT Practice also includes more than four thousand practice questions; video lessons; diagnostic quizzes to identify skills to focus on; personalized practice recommendations directly tied to specific skills on the test; and instant feedback on answers so students are always learning and seeing their progress.For globally mobile families, online learning platforms can offer the flexibility of study required during the uncertainty of a family move. As Relocate Global previously reported, in The New Global Classroom, like the College Board and the Khan Academy, schools across the world are now seeking ways to create borderless online platforms of study for their students.

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