GCSE results 2022: schools share their successes
The return to formal final examinations and external assessment have not put the IGCSE and GCSE Class of 2022 off their stride, as these results show.

LVS Ascot students celebrate GCSE results day 2022
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LVS Hassocks students achieve GCSE a year early
Fellow LVS school for young people with autism, LVS Hassocks, which educates students aged 11-18 from its Sussex campus, also secured excellent GCSE and BTEC results this summer, with some students taking GCSE art early in Year 9.School Principal, Jen Weeks, said: "We are extremely proud of our Year 10 and Year 9 students who have sat their Art GCSE early and their grades are a testament to the hard work and effort they have put into their work. Students from across the school have sat a range of qualifications, including our Year 8s completing their Sports Leaders Level 1, Year 9 and 10 students developing their independent skills through completion of the Level 1 BTEC Home Cooking qualification, and the many students who showed a range of skills through the completion of their Silver or Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Awards."LVS Ascot students secure success
At LVS Ascot, the all-ability, independent co-educational day and boarding school for children 4 to 18 in Berkshire, the school followed up its A level successes to outperform its 2020 GCSE results and achieve a 100% pass rate in English, Maths and Triple Science with an overall pass rate of 92% and 36.74% at grades 9-7Angelina, who achieved all 7s and above, said: “It was so nice to come into school to collect my results and share the moment with my teachers and classmates. I was thrilled with my results and I’m looking forward to starting sixth form at LVS Ascot.”Archie, from Windsor, said: “I worked so hard to make sure I did all the right preparation and I’m so happy that this paid off with my results. I wish everyone the best in their next steps.”School Principal, Christine Cunniffe, said: “We are delighted with the GCSE results this year. It is a testament to the brilliant work of our staff and pupils at LVS Ascot.”More expectations surpassed
With 2022 a transition year for GCSE results between the highs of 2021 and 2019, there has been understandable uncertainty about what this year's GCSE and IGCSE results would bring. Yet at Bridgewater School, an independent co-educational day school in Worsley, Manchester, students "more than doubled their expected targets and surpassed all expectations". Almost two-thirds of GCSE results graded 6 and above and 39% graded 9-7.Matthew Barker, Bridgewater’s Deputy Head (Academic), said: “This year group have faced disruptions to their education from the very start of their GCSE course. As a result, many of these young people have struggled with self-doubt and the confidence to stand independently and have worked extremely hard to overcome these challenges. Therefore, to have performed at this level is testament both to their determination and resilience, the commitment and dedication of our teaching staff, and the mutual support of our parent body. Three-quarters of students achieved at least one GCSE at grade 7 or above and collectively they have significantly exceeded all expectations in the top grades.”Online learning a success - King's InterHigh
Individual and collective successes were also much in evidence at the online non-selective learning community, King's InterHigh. Accepting admissions at any point during the year, the school offers flexibility, whether students have external commitments, need to access quality British schooling abroad (A level, IGCSE/IB) or are looking for an alternative to the traditional school environment.Overall, 11% of results were at grade 9, 41% 9-7 and 84% 9-4. Students performed particularly strongly in languages and STEM subjects, where around half of physics, chemistry and computer science grades were 9-7.Among those celebrating their results around the world was international student, Caitlin, who secured six 9s and one 8 and is now well on the pathway to achieving her ambition of studying medicine in the UK. England Handball team member, Tabatha, combined debuting for her national team with achieving five 7-8 grades and two 6s in her exams this summer after struggling with bullying and missing out on a social life at her old school.Reem also achieved four 9s and two 8s across the sciences, maths, English, and business. "What we’re equally proud to see is the mindset she’s developed during her IGCSE years," said King's InterHigh. "Reem now leaves her comfort zone to engage with her classmates in lessons, and she’s decided to make 'big, daring moves' to achieve her goals."“This was a wonderful GCSE results day for King’s InterHigh," said Ashley Harrold, Executive Head. "These outcomes are sure to inspire next year’s cohort with confidence to reach such standards. We are proud that our students consistently show how taking a different approach to learning and enjoying a more flexible education can still lead to immense success. As always, I’d like to thank our teachers and staff who have educated and supported these students to such a high level this year.”Subscribe now to the Think Global People magazine and read how employers are supporting more inclusive recruitment and competition for university places increases.
Share your news and celebrate your school’s IB, GCSE, BTEC and A level and T level achievements with us in our ongoing coverage of A level and GCSE results days 2022.
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