Employer engagement in action
Pupils from the British School of Brussels visited the Solvay headquarters to learn more about the company and its staff, to educate them about different career paths available in the global market.
Getting to know the company and its staff
The trip to Solvay speaks to the heart of BSB’s Employer Engagement goals. Upon arrival, students were greeted by Solvay representatives and received a presentation on the company’s history, current work, vision and ethos. They were then given a taste of employee life at Solvay, touring the expansive campus in smaller groups led by several Solvay staff members, all of whom had generously volunteered to spend the morning sharing their work. Afterwards, the staff members – whose offices ranged from human resources, marketing and finance to sustainable development and research & innovation – sat with students to explain their work, backgrounds and office cultures in further detail, openly fielding student questions.
A worthwhile visit
Post-trip student feedback suggests that, with or without a trophy, students felt they had gained something of value from visiting Solvay and are eager to participate in similar experiences in the future, as the time to make decisions concerning their academic and professional paths grows ever nearer. They were particularly struck by the variety of career options available within one company and, through their presentations, demonstrated a newfound understanding of how these offices interact to form a greater whole. Although many students noted that they had been nervous to present in front of a large crowd, they were excited by the opportunity to practice their public speaking skills and enjoyed working in teams, with the inspiration of a little healthy competition. They were also notably impressed by Solvay’s focus on creating a supportive working environment for its employees and considered, some for the first time, the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.Employer Engagement continued
In addition to site trips such as this, BSB Employer Engagement organises Expert Panels surrounding contemporary issues in professional development. It also offers a series of lunchtime Career Roundtables each term, inviting professionals from a variety of sectors to campus to share their career stories with students. To share ideas or request information regarding BSB's growing Employer Engagement programming, contact Amanda Vandecasteele, Employer Engagement and Alumni Coordinator via email: avandecasteele@britishschool.be. This article is from Relocate Global's Guide to International Education & Schools 2019/20 which is packed with expert tips and information for those relocating and the professionals supporting them. For volume options, co-branded editions, digital or online licence agreements and advertising opportunities, contact Fiona Murchie at +44 (0)1892 891334 or email fiona@relocatemagazine.comNow available as an ebook on Amazon! Simply download from Amazon onto your Kindle, mobile phone or tablet to read wherever you are!
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