Education after Brexit: 'A force to unite nations'
Following Britain’s referendum on its European Union membership – in which nearly three-quarters of those aged 18–24 voted to remain – school leaders in the UK have spoken about how the principles that underpin a modern, internationally minded education can serve to unite nations during the current period of uncertainty.
Diversity leads to understanding
Writing in the Telegraph newspaper following the Brexit vote, the late John Walmsley, principal of United World Colleges’ (UWC) Atlantic College in South Wales, spoke of how his diverse students were responding to the UK’s decision to leave the EU.

An internationalist approach
The brainchild of German philosopher Kurt Hahn, UWC Atlantic College was established during the height of the Cold War with, according to its prospectus, “the founding principle of bringing different students together regardless of race, religion or creed”.“The UWC movement has tried to make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future for the world,” says John Walmsley. “What I think the [referendum] vote does undeniably represent is the appetite among young people for a more internationalist approach to education.”Speaking at an IB conference, Dr Siva Kumari, the IB’s director-general, echoed this view. “The enemies of international-mindedness are themselves a global phenomenon,” she said, “and are making full use of globalisation’s technologies. Such developments demonstrate how necessary international-mindedness is, in a world which is becoming ever more global without growing ever closer together.”“A look at the headlines from around the world confirms our view that the world is sorely in need of ideas that will bring people, countries and cultures together,” says Tim Jones, “and we think that the IB Diploma Programme stands for the very best possible educational background for the young people most likely to come up with these ideas.”
Preparing for an unknown future
Within an internationally minded school, there is often an imperative that students not only learn what they need to complete their studies but also learn to think critically and be open to new ways of operating, so they are ready for an unknown future.“In any period of political and economic uncertainty, the value of a broad education of mind and character rises,” says Tim Jones. “At Sevenoaks, some 1,080 young people study with over 150 teachers and discover the value of working alongside people with different backgrounds. They desire to become compassionate, responsible global citizens.“The IB Diploma Programme suits this aim very well. Not affiliated to any national government’s agenda, it has remained relatively stable and aspirational when competing qualification systems have been downgraded by compromise and disturbed by the caprice of successive governments.“It is an internationally understood and valued qualification, and the mix of nationalities and cultures that naturally gravitate towards it means that an IB school or classroom is inherently a melting point of viewpoints and opinions, often hotly debated in a safe environment.“Academic freedom is actively supported and encouraged in the IB, which is known for providing opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching and learning. At Sevenoaks, we do not find rigid demarcation between different subject areas particularly helpful; in fact, it is often in the interstices between subjects where we find the most interesting ideas. Similarly, across the school and curriculum, we find an approach of both/and more productive than one of either/or – an inclusive attitude that prepares students well for undergraduate studies.”Optimism for the future
Arguably, an internationally minded learning environment allows students to develop the enquiring mind that is necessary to succeed in the future global workplace. “No one knows what the future holds. No one knows how sustainable the globalisation and digitisation of the world is,” says Mr Jones. “All that appears to be certain is great uncertainty. That is why inculcating skills of inquiry, resilience and curiosity, as well as empathy and a tolerance of views not their own, represents for us the best preparation for bright, well-motivated young people.“In light of Brexit,” he concludes, “our view is that education in the UK needs to become even more European in its outlook in order for our teenagers to prosper in an increasingly global community.” This article was refreshed on 24 July 2019.
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