International students have high hopes for STEM challenge competition

TASIS The American School in England entered the Ultimate STEM Challenge and designed a new form of wearable tech.

TASIS The American School in England entered the Ultimate STEM Challenge and designed a new form of wearable tech.
Students from TASIS England have taken part in this year’s BP Ultimate STEM Challenge: Wearable Tech.Nationwide students have been learning about wearable technology and were challenged to use their imagination and develop a new device that could improve lives in the future. Three groups of Middle School students from TASIS England have submitted their idea and are awaiting the results from the judging panel.

Encouraging young people to enjoy STEM

Impressed by the enthusiasm and commitment of the students and staff, Mr Tzanis, MS STEM club coordinator at TASIS England, says, “I am very confident that our school will be one of the finalists. However, no matter what the final result will be, the students have already played their part by providing insightful ideas that can potentially help our local community.”The judges will select two entries from primary and secondary schools, and invite those shortlisted to an all-expenses-paid, exciting Hackathon day at the BP Upstream Learning Centre. They will collaborate with industry experts to see their designs turned into reality.
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Jill Douglas, UK schools education manager for BP notes, “We at BP are proud to continue to invest in education in the UK. Initiatives like the Ultimate STEM Challenge help to inspire and raise the aspirations of young people and relate school subjects with future careers in science, technology, engineering and maths.”Educational experiences such as the Ultimate STEM Challenge bring core subjects to life and help students understand how important STEM is for all our futures. Gill Collinson, head of centre & partnerships at STEM Learning says, “Students will have an opportunity to fully immerse themselves in this new world and approach, not only by learning about wearable tech and its possible applications to improve lives in the future, but also by physically making their product at the end of the challenge.” 

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