Fragomen's 2021 UK Immigration School and Immigration Law
Fragomen's UK Immigration School is an opportunity for you to learn about a career in law and immigration in particular. As well as legal professionals, there will be speakers from Parliament, government, the press, a charity and academia, who will all talk to you about how they got their jobs and what they enjoy most.

What is the immigration school?
It is an opportunity for you to learn about a career in law and immigration in particular. As well as legal professionals, there will be speakers from Parliament, government, the press, a charity and academia, who will all talk to you about how they got their jobs and what they enjoy most.The core theme will be immigration. The aim of Fragomen's UK Immigration School is to help students learn about the law, politics, economics and the people who are moving to improve their lives and to benefit the UK. It is hoped that you will finish the course with a better understanding of the jobs that can be available to students, how you can go about applying and an interesting, worthwhile experience to talk about at interview.Why do Fragomen hold the immigration school?
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it harder to attend classes, there are fewer opportunities to find work experience and complications assessing achievements have created difficulties for students in circumstances completely outside of their control. The people at the Fragomen UK Immigration School want to do what they can to help.When you come to apply for jobs, your CV will be judged on your qualifications and wider experience. The more you can demonstrate intellectual curiosity and an interest in learning outside of school, the better. Experience of working and other extra-curricular activities are important too. Once you are in an interview your CV needs to help you showcase why you are the best fit for the job and your answers need to help you stand out.Find more information on the school here.
Fragomen was the winner of the 2021 Think Global People Award for Best Resourcing, Talent, L&D or Initiative which recognises excellent global leadership initiatives across the wide spectrum of people management functions that result in outstanding people management outcomes.
Read more about immigration
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