The changing face (but not the sex) of CEOs
The changing skillsets and backgrounds of CEOs around the world have been highlighted in an analysis of more than 900 chief executives of major companies across 16 nations.

A changing CEO skillset
"The job of the CEO continues to expand and the skills required for the role today are quite different than a decade ago," says Jeff Sanders, co-managing partner of the global CEO and board practice at Heidrick & Struggles' Chicago HQ. "CEOs today continue to execute the managerial role of yesterday, maintaining day-to-day operations and obligations to shareholders."At the same time, they have to lead through constant digital and business disruption, serve as inspirational leaders, foster a diverse and inclusive workplace culture, maintain good relationships with multiple stakeholder groups and, increasingly, focus on long-term sustainability; in other words, today's CEOs have to accomplish everything their predecessors did, and much more."Men still dominate the boardroom
One thing that has changed little, however, is gender parity with women CEOs remaining significantly under-represented and comprising only 5 per cent of CEOs globally, said the report.Women made up on 9 per cent of the CEOs appointed last year despite achieving higher education levels than their male counterparts, with 71 per cent of women chief executives holding advanced degrees compared to 58 per cent of male CEOs."Over the past several years, we have seen minimal change in the number of women represented in CEO positions globally," says Bonnie Gwin, co-managing partner of global CEO and board practice at Heidrick & Struggles."Related articles
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Ms Gwin adds, "As the CEO profile changes and more is expected from the role to meet future demands, so too must the face of the CEO. The pool for diverse CEO candidates – women, people of colour and individuals from under-represented backgrounds – remains small and more needs to be done to develop the pipeline of the future generation of CEOs."* The report examined 906 current chief executives of companies listed on leading share indexes in Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Read more news and articles by David Sapsted.
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