Women on the frontline
Growth in a post-pandemic world is going to be hard but it is really important to build on some of the positives of the experience of lockdown to build better business and accelerate inclusion. Fiona Murchie reflects on leadership wisdom from Dame Helena Morrissey.

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As was discussed at a panel on Leading Good Work in Practice at the virtual CIPD Festival of Work in June, for some leaders and managers, virtual coffee sessions with the team have generated valuable ideas and provided a better understanding of how employees juggle their lives. Surveys reveal that, lots of employees are enjoying working from home while others are finding it really challenging. For many having family time with the children and working more flexibly has been a positive experience. Few have missed a long commute.Dame Helena Morrissey was speaking on a panel with Andy Biggs, CEO of Phoenix Group, Charlie Mayfield, former chair of John Lewis and Peter Cheese, CEO of the CIPD. There was consensus that one size doesn’t fit all. Andy Biggs underlined, there is a huge opportunity to change work for the better, where the very best people who love their work, can be their best at work and deliver core social purpose.Now is the time for a quantum leap Dame Helena explained. Companies are better governed since the financial crash but we now need to see some heroics, she felt citing the ‘Together’ campaign initiated by the Archbishop of Canterbury. There are ways for business to build on the community spirit felt over recent months, the outpouring of support for key workers, the revival of localism and caring for the elderly which has come to the fore. Business can do more in the next phase to drive recovery and this will attract young people and their customers, she explained.Dame Helena reflected that on the people side, HR were not empowered enough and often seen as a control function rather than a talent function. One of the great things about the crisis has been that many people have been empowered to act. There is a danger that as we go back to work we return to where we were, she pointed out.She urged leaders and people managers to reach out and find out what people want. Employees have seen a more human side of their leaders and employers and their people managers have been attuned to the mental health of their employees which must continue. There is a danger that the diversity and inclusion agenda gets pushed aside but this is not just about productivity it is about fairness. Many women have shouldered most of the responsibility for more domestic duties and family, as well as supervising schooling at home, juggling childcare and care for elderly relatives, while working from home.

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