ISKL’s High School Senior Student Launches ‘Relieve Pay Forward System’ with Global Doctors Asia for Refugee Healthcare
Discover how Hongju L., a High School Senior at The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL), started the Relieve Pay Forward initiative in collaboration with Global Doctors Asia and UNHCR.

Articles featuring ISKL
- Finding Your Path in the World With ISKL
- Full STEAM ahead: international schools foster critical thinking and creativity
- Why Choose ISKL?
- School Snaps: ISKL's Young Investors Society (YIS) compete in the 2021 Malaysia Stock Pitch Competition with fantastic results
- Make Our ISKL, Your ISKL
- ISKL Alumni hosts Future Ready: Alumni Black Box Conversations - The Arts
Watch the webinar: Redefining a School’s Purpose: Forging Innovative Pathways to Meet the Needs of Every Student, with Jeff Farrington, High School Principal, The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL)
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